A Correspondence Course - Lesson II
By Karl Hans Welz - Grand Rune Master
- The Knights of Runes
The Rune RIT |
RITA, right, the Rune of original law,
of Divine law. All-justice, religion, strength, ritual. Rune of the
cosmic rhythm of the worlds. Rune of movement, rotation, wheels, of
spiraling development and wheels, of spiraling development and unfolding.
Symbol of the rolling Sun-wheel, Rune of rhythm and of dance. Uses:
RIT allows you to tune into the rhythms of the worlds. It awakens higher
powers. It strengthens inner guidance. Increases experience of ritual.
RIT directs thought toward inner guidance. Strengthens the power of
visualization. Time of the year: March 21 through April 12. Mantra:
rrrrrr, rrrriiiit.
The Rune KA |
Sexual Rune. Rune of capability. Rune of
the occultist. Rune of higher mysteries. Uses: Rune of protection against
magical attacks. KA gives intuition, inspiration, and it connects with
the universe. KA connects with higher polarity. KA increases courage.
Time of the year: April 13 through May 5. Mantra: k-k-k-k-aaaaa.
The Rune Hagal |
Fire refers here to "thirst, the fire
of thirst. HAG-ALL means to take car of the universe. Symbol of the
omnipresent and all-penetrating creative energy. Symbol of the builder
of the worlds. The seven is the rhythm of the Solar system. The BNE
ELOHIM, Venus-entities, who create the world in an eternal NOW (see
Gen. 1,1). Rune of the world tree, of the world, of the tree of life.
Combines MAN and YR, NOD and EH. HAGAL symbolizes maintenance and equilibrium
of the moving universe. Rune of the zodiac and mother of all Runes.
Continuous change. HAGAL leads to the spiritual leader. In the microcosm
it represents the human being, and the universe in the macrocosm. Uses:
HAGAL gives protection and harmony. It serves as the solid point within
the flight of phenomena. It eliminates the burning thirst for things
that are not important in life. It provides consciousness of Oneness
with the Divine. It brings spiritual powers, wisdom. It increases the
functions of the pineal gland and of the solar plexus. Time of the year:
May 6 through May 28. Mantra: hag-all
The Rune NOD |
Rune of Karma and Rune of the Norn, goddess
of destiny. Rune of karmic debts (the Norn SKULD). Rune of karmic law,
of karmic need. Divine justice that balances. "Hate" in the song refers
to unresolved karma. Nod helps to master you karma, after you have accepted
it. NOD symbolized the appearance out of the infinite, out of the undefined.
The Divine manifesting itself within the finite universe, for "a god who
does not manifest itself is dead" (Feuerbach). Uses: NOD makes you aware
of your karmic debts, and it helps dissolve karma. It leads to truth and
fitting into the cosmic order, or the Divine Plan. NOD brings the protection
of high spiritual entities of our Solar Symbolism. Use your karma and
live it consciously. Time of the year: May 29 through June 20. Mantra:
nnnnnnnnnn, nnnnoooooddddd, aepandi nam
The Rune IS |
Rune of the ego, of self-discipline, of
discipline. Rune of the personality, of the magical powers of self-consciousness.
Symbolizes will, action, power, and personality. The ego in the microcosm,
the oneness that connects everything created to ONE. The eternal Divine
Love which transcends the lower ego. The magical Rune of completion. The
unicorn, the magical wand, the number of the Moon. Uses: IS strengthen
the personality (Earth element or consciousness is symbolized by the solid
ship) by calming emotionally charged thoughts (the wind on the billowing
floods), controls thoughts. IS procures psychic powers through self-discipline
and through elimination of that which is unnecessary. IS leads to Divine
Magic. Time of the year: June 21 through July 14. Mantra: iiiiiisssssss,
The Rune AR |
Rune of the Light, of the Sun. Wisdom,
beauty, virtue, trust, honor, fame. Rune of the initiate. Symbolism of
the Solar child who returns home from darkness. Uses: AR allows control
of subconscious thought patterns and recognizes their point of origin,
or roots (meditate on the stanza)!. Rune of re-framing. Brings change
from within. Rune of certainty that dissolves doubts. AR attracts Solar
prana. Time of the year: July 15 through August 7.
Mantra: aaaaaaaaaarrrrrr, rrrrraaaaaaaa
The Rune SIG |
SIG is the Rune of the light, the Rune
of the Sun, the Rune of victory, success, and good luck. It is the Solar
Light in spiritual contemplation. It symbolizes the path "from God to
God," the path of the soul. Rune of the spiritual ray, of inspiration.
Uses: SIG brings success, overcomes material limitations, increases power
of the spirit. It gives knowledge, wisdom, illumination. It increases
the power of visualization, and magical powers. Time of the year: August
8 through August 30. Mantra: ssssssssssss, ssssssssiiiiiiig
The Rune TYR |
Rune of the god of swords. Rune of the
god who sacrifices himself, certain of resurrection. Rune of initiation,
of reincarnation, of being born again. Uses: Hammer of Thor. TYR helps
overcome the material world, the fear of material death. Brings victory
of spirit over matter. Recalling of past lives. Time of the year: August
31 through September 22. Mantra: t-t-t-t-tyyyyyyrrrrr |
Some Preconditions
For you to be successful in Rune readings,
you need to become familiar with some basic methods of Runic practice.
In this lesson, I am going to introduce you to two very important things:
The book of ceremonials, and the establishing of your Rune realms.
The Book of Ceremonials
The book of ceremonials is a very important
tool for your Runic practice in general and for Rune readings in particular.
True, our times have the advantage of tapes, computers, and printed
books. Yet nothing compares to your own, handwritten, documentation
that your book of ceremonials will be.
There is a high symbolic significance
to your setting up such a book: It is a significance that reaches well
beyond simply writing down those things that you want to remember. The
book of ceremonials is your own sacred book, written by yourself, and
only for your own use. It contains spiritual energies which you -- consciously
or not -- project into this book whenever you are writing in it and
whenever you use it. Time will teach you the immense value of this book.
Be aware that repeated use of a ceremonial utensil ties up energies
in this utensil. These energies will then be present later when needed.
All it takes is the presence of the utensil. Consequently you can then
consciously focus on other things. You should consider your book of
ceremonials as such a utensil.
To set up your book of ceremonials,
you buy a nice looking notebook. First, you copy in it the "Runic Poem,"
which contains the key-triggers for the eighteen Sacred Futhork Runes.
As you continue in your Runic practice, you write in your book of ceremonials
the various rituals, methods, practices, and ceremonials with Runes.
True, copying takes its time, but this rather small investment in your
time will bear hundred fold fruit.
While copying, be aware that you are
writing symbolic language. You will experience the symbolic meaning
communicating itself to you with this practice of the Runes. As you
continue you will penetrate the depths of the symbolic language. This
will help you to increasingly gain an understanding of the hidden meanings
of the poems and songs that you never may have thought to be possible.
How to Write your Book of Ceremonials
For your best benefit, and for best
results, you should do the copying or writing in your book of ceremonials
in an environment that is optimal for this process. It should be an
environment that is quiet and free from outside interference. Remember,
more is going on when you write in your book of ceremonials than mere
copying! Therefore, make sure that nothing will disturb you in this
very important work, and arrange your whole set-up in a ceremonial-like
Before you begin to copy, set up your
EPG (Welz Chi Generator) and transfer to yourself. Set it onto an alpha
frequency. This will bring you into a calm state of meditation. See
yourself in your inner Rune Realm. Continue to focus your whole, undivided
attention on the process of writing. Visualize and feel energy flow
through your hand and pen into the letters and words that you write
on paper. See and feel every word that you write fill up with spiritual
energy and radiating with Light and life energies. If you cannot yet
focus your undivided attention to your writing, do not get unnecessarily
worried. Practice will be your best teacher, and repeated use of the
Book of Ceremonials, as you do when murmuring the Rune Songs, will fill
it with strong spiritual energies. (You can also practice without the
EPG, of course)
If you proceed as instructed, your book
of ceremonials will be a powerful talisman. It connects you with the
Runic Realms of Creation whenever you use it for a Runic ceremony, or
reading. There is a great significance in your writing your own book
of ceremonials that goes much beyond that which you may comprehend at
present. |
The Rune Realms
Before you begin to practice Runes,
you need to establish within yourself a space in which you can work.
It will also be useful to have some symbolic arrangement outside, which
you can use to draw and to project Runic energies.
The arrangement outside is your OUTER
RUNE REALM. The inner workspace that you establish is your INNER RUNE
REALM, and the Realm from which you draw the Runic energies is the RUNE
REALM OF CREATION. With your imagination, you connect those three Rune
Realms. At a later point, when your capability of visualization will
be sufficiently advanced, you may see the three Rune realms connected
with the axis of the (multidimensional) world tree, where the distance
from each Rune Realm to every other is equal. You will also become aware
that the inner Rune Realm is not completely inside yourself, as little
as the outer Rune Realm is completely outside. The three Realms permeate
each other. With your practice, the mutual contact of the three Rune
Realms increases continuously, and so will your capability to harness
the energies of the Runes.
The Outer Rune Realm
You create your outer Rune Realm best
with some utensils. As a future Rune Master, you need to be aware that
repeated use of the same utensil allows you to set up structures of
higher order energies (HOE) without the need of using your own energies.
This practice frees your conscious mind for that which is most important
in your action. Ceremonial utensils compare to machines on the material
planes. They can be regarded as machines that have effects that reach
into planes beyond the material levels. Those utensils are focal points.
Needless to say, the best utensil is of such symbolic arrangement that
it can be a focal point for any desired energy of a specific symbolism.
A very strong set of utensils is the
symbols of the four elements. These symbols appear in three ways at
least. First, they symbolize the four elements on the material planes.
Second, they symbolize the four elements on all other planes. Third,
they represent the four planes on which the Operator acts. We suggest,
that you use the following set of utensils that symbolizes the elements.
Use candles for fire, or the world of emanation and your will. Use a
cup with water or wine to symbolize your emotions, the water element,
and the astral world. Choose a dagger (active) and incense (passive)
for the air element, your mind, and the mental spheres. Finally, use
a dish with earth, bread, or a coin or special talisman such as the
Hammer of Thor for the earth element, matter, your consciousness, and
the material planes upon which you want to act. Be aware of the old
wisdom that, when you align the four elements, you can perform anything
you want to perform. In some way this is like having will, mind, emotions,
and consciousness directed at one and the same goal. You can achieve
this with proper direction of the will power, control of thoughts, concentration
of emotions, and conscious attitude.
NOTE: An excellent help for you to align
the four elements and reach Oneness with the Divine is the COURSE IN
COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS by Karl Hans Welz. You may order this course from:
HSCTI, P.O. Box 666 033, Marietta, GA 30066. Course Fee: $24.00
The next, very important feature is
a utensil, so to say, that brings about protection. The CIRCLE is ideal
for this purpose. However, for it to be very effective, your imagination
needs to go beyond the mere circle that you draw or project. You need
to envision a bubble at least. The circle symbolizes your duniverse,
of which you are the Divine principle in the act of creation: You rule
all energies in this universe.
Now let's talk about the symbolism that
gives you access to the energies with which you want to practice: the
Runic symbolism. You arrange one set of RUNE STAVES (you need another
set for the reading) in a circle around you. You begin with FA in the
North, going counterclockwise until GIBOR. If you intend a specific
Runic practice, then you will do well to have the Rune(s) involved in
front of you, taken out of the context of the circle. This symbolically
brings you in touch with the specific Rune(s). It is important that
you either make or get your set of Rune staves soon.
You may use a set of rituals (a ritual
is a part of a ceremonial) to establish your outer Rune Realm. In later
lessons, you will learn those specific rituals. Here we mention that
such rituals include lighting of candles, charging of the elements,
lighting of the incense, establishing of the protection, etc., including
rules of purification of the practitioner and other participants.
The Inner
Rune Realm
Once the outer Rune Realm is established,
you continue to establish the inner Rune Realm. You may, of course,
establish the inner Rune Realm only. To establish the outer realm you
may project the Runes mentally into the space around yourself. However,
the effect of this technique will be in the main on the mental planes,
unless you are very well advanced. For the sole purpose of training
in establishing the inner Rune Realm, of course, you need not establish
the outer Rune Realm. This counts also for Rune meditations and for
murmuring of a Rune Song. However, it is always useful to have at least
on candle burning as a focal point: a "miniature outer Rune realm,"
so to say. For anything where you expect effects on the astral emotional,
conscious or material planes, you will do well to set up the outer Rune
Realm. All too often students complain that they can not get spectacular
results. Failures of this kind may be for karmic reasons. In most cases,
however, it is failure to properly establish the outer Rune Realm.
The inner Rune Realm takes shape of
your visualization. You build up a space within yourself that is your
working space. In this space you imagine yourself working with Runes.
You know of the connection of both Rune Realms with the Realms of creation.
To establish this working space, your inner Rune Realm, to its most
effective shape, you need to practice a bit. You need to train yourself
to a point where you can establish this inner Rune Realm spontaneously,
at any time. This capability, or course, will in most cases not be learned
To establish your inner Rune Realm,
you proceed as follows:
1. Set up your EPG and transfer the
energy to yourself. Set an alpha frequency.
2. Bring yourself in a comfortable position.
If you do more than practice, establish some symbolism of your outer
Rune Realm.
3. Relax your body. You may use progressive
relaxation, beginning from the tips of the toes and progressively relaxing
up to the crown of your head.
4. Imagine yourself being in a place
that you consider to be appropriate for establishing your Inner Rune
Realm. You may imagine that you are in a clearing in the woods, which
is very peaceful, with a brook running through, on a very sunny day.
You may see yourself on a quiet beach, or on the top of a mountain,
or in an old temple. Visualize whatever situation suits you, and whatever
place you can imagine as being a holy place. The place that you are
to establish now is the place from which you are triggering and harnessing
the Runic energies. This place is your place of power. You are ruler
in this place, master of your universe. For your convenience, and for
easier access to the inner Rune Realm, a tape is available.
You see yourself in the middle of this
space, your inner Rune Realm, and you see yourself fully protected.
This protection also reaches out in your outer Rune Realm. It connects
with the protective measure(s) of your outer Rune Realm. Then, you see
a circle of Runes around you. Those Runes may be giant Rune stones,
or wooden staves arranged around you, similar to the arrangement you
would have in your outer Rune Realm. Again, the arrangement may be the
16 Runes from FA through YR around you, beginning with FA in the North,
in front of you, going counterclockwise, until you reach YR again in
the North. The Rune EH to you left, and GIBOR to your right. You may
also visualize an altar in front of you, similar to an altar that you
may have in your outer Rune Realm. Now, you see every one of the Runes
around you in a glowing light, indicating that they get their charge
from the Rune Realm of creation. At the same time, if your outer Rune
Realm is established, this outer Rune Realm is automatically charged,
and the connection to the Rune Realm of creation is established. As
the Rune Master of this universe, you are aware that you are its absolute
Having established your inner Rune Realm,
you may operate from there on a purely mental level. If your outer Rune
Realm is also established, then you may keep the awareness of your inner
Rune Realm being present, and you can now begin with the Rune rituals
or ceremonials.
Practice of the inner Rune Realm is
necessary for good progress in Runic practice, and for your advancement
toward being a Rune Master. |